Publishing this newsletter got a little erratic recently. It certainly wasn’t due to a lack of things to talk about. I was simply on the home stretch of releasing the book, which is now available on Amazon and soon at Barnes & Noble. The book results from exploring this topic over the past few years here in this newsletter.
Thank you for supporting this project as a reader. Many of you have provided feedback, comments, and support along the way, which has been invaluable. I can’t say enough how important that was for me.
The advance praise for the book has been great:
"Super interesting - a new and predictive way to understand customers."
Mark Staples, Editorial Director
McKinsey & Company
“Red & Blue Customers goes beyond politics to highlight the underlying values of distinctly powerful customer segments. With troves of tangible insights, this book can be used by go-to-market professionals in any industry to capture buyer engagement, win trust, and ultimately drive growth.”
Justin Gray, Managing Partner
In Revenue Capital
"If you want to understand what drives customer behavior, you need to know their worldview. That's what this book is about."
Marilyn Davis, Managing Partner
Rain the Growth Agency
“Chris’s writing and research have changed the way I think about myself and my customers. It is essential reading for any business leader selling into a diverse marketplace.”
Peter Koshland, CEO
Koshland Pharm
"Chris Peterson’s Red & Blue Customers offers an insightful exploration of how personal values shape market behavior in today’s polarized world. Essential reading for those who want to stay ahead in the evolving market landscape."
Vincent Serpico, CEO
Founders Workshop
Thinking of customers as liberal and conservative is a topic whose time has come. The country has sorted itself over the past few decades and, along with it, customer markets. There is clear evidence that the two groups align with different brands and form purchase decisions in distinct manners. It’s a perfect time to understand it and apply it to business, just as we look at customers with different genders, incomes, generations, and more.
I also firmly believe studying this topic can give readers a different perspective of the two groups, as some of you have told me. By taking a deep dive into how the two groups think - based on hundreds of research studies - it’s hard not to get to know “the other side,” whichever side that is. That gained knowledge can reshape how we think about customers, markets, and the world we live in. I know it reshaped mine. As I discussed in the very first post of this newsletter, you can reduce divisiveness by studying customer differences.
For those of you who want a more in-depth look at the topic, this book is for you. Of course, I will keep publishing the newsletter as this topic continues to gain momentum.
I look forward to providing you with new insights, including new original research we have just started conducting.
Thank you again for being a reader and supporter of the project!